Friday, February 4, 2011


I wish you could transform tasks of equal difficulty amongst themselves, kind of like reduction of NP-complete problems. Like if you could practice guitar for a week but channel the progress to running. Or run but have the energy go towards improving your musical ear. Or do pushups and have that do your programming project for you. Scientists, you know what to do.

On an unrelated note, I now think of myself in a completely new way, all thanks to Yuan Yuan. She was talking about some cookies we bought earlier and I couldn't remember for the life of me what they were. When it turned out they were these little donuts, first I spanked Yuan Yuan for calling them cookies and then I explained the vast difference between the two.

"Donuts are roughly circular things with a hole in the middle," I said with infinite patience.
"Like your head?"
"No, silly, the holes in my head don't go all the way through."

At which point Yuan Yuan returned the spanking favor, threw in a bonus head/table slam and explained that my ear holes were exactly that - the hole in the donut of my head. It suddenly made perfect sense, not to mention giving a whole new meaning to "you are what you eat."

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