Monday, July 14, 2008

Uh...Oh...Aaaaaah...Ohh yeaaahh

Ong-Bak-ed today. The martial arts were super. Plot-wise though, it pretty much sucked: A village of Buddha-idol-worshipers, with Gross National Product of about $1.50 breeds a martial arts genius - Ting - who has 6 extra Y chromosomes and titanium elbows. One day the Budda idol's head is stolen. Snapping out of boredom like a bullet out of the hand of a bullet-throwing monk, ubermale Ting travels to Bangkok and knocks on every skull in town looking for the holy bust. After killing everyone and beating their corpses into the dust, Ting and the Buddha sculpture's head return to Poverty-and-Hopelessness village to live happily ever after or at least until the sequel. Gratuitous violence abounds throughout. In one scene, Ting skins himself alive, and then rips his own head off just because he's that tough.

Michelle's off to camp again, and so am I in a couple of days. 10-day camp with Chun starts this Thursday. The schedule includes 3 days of whispering sweet nothings into her big rabbit ears, 10 days of eating her wonderful cooking, 5 days of tearful goodbyes, 2 tickets to The Dark Knight, 1 big apartment with kitchen, bed, bath, and complete privacy, 1 change of clothes (to be used for the return trip), a gross of hugs, a bushel of kisses, and of course a daily serving of cinematic entertainment - agreement with parents states that I must not fall behind in this department.

Tuesday reading - Eat, Pray, Love. Weighing in at 2 lbs and ~330 pages, it's more of a snack than a book, at least compared to various maguses, stranges and time travelers' spouses.

Did pushups thrice today, upholding the current record. The numbers are slowly rising, and so are the complaints from the neighbors about the constipated groans that frequent the night air and are always performed as a duet.

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