Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dream #64,875

This blog is turning into a dream journal. Maybe I'm just compensating for lack of social commentary.

Note: all of the following is one dream, but different scenes.
Note 2: The people I actually know in this dream are, in order of appearance, (or preference, you doubting 'Insert Name I Can't Remember'...ah! Thomas!): Min, Daniel, Diana, Natasha, Rachel. Or if it's easier to remember, they're the ones with plain boring names. The names of the transient dream-people are much cooler.

Scene one: We're playing MarioKart - Min, Shenegra, with e's pronounced like the e's in Hell's Bells or Montenegro, Daniel and me. I sit out for a round, figuring out the controller, then I completely dominate everyone. Daniel is impressed. So far, just gritty realism.

Next scene: We're in the bathroom - Fat Orthodox Jew (someone I don't know, but who fits the description), Keanu Reeves from The Day the Earth Stood Still, and me. Keanu Reeves is giving Fat Orthodox Jew his screenname in the Universe - foldinlife. I catch myself thinking it's a cool screenname. Then Keanu Reeves leaves.

Next scene: Me and Fat Orthodox Jew are in some undetermined hallway. Fat Orthodox Jew has his shirt off, exposing his Fat American Gut. He starts putting on some blue cellophane table cloth. I realize it's part of his orthodox attire and ask him what it's called. He says it's called a "shenekra," with e's like in Hell's Bells or Montenegro. Teleport to the middle of a supermarket. Some girl and some guy I know, but don't actually know, are sitting on the floor. I say to them: "Wow, did you know your name came from an Orthodox Jewish blue cellophane tablecloth called a 'shenekra?'" (but in slightly different words). Apparently I'm confusing the girl for Shenegra, even though I now know that the previous scene's Shenegra was actually named Thai. The guy and the girl look at me, justly confused, and say: "Who are you talking to?" I suddenly realize neither of them is named Shenegra. In fact, as of the latest revisionism, there never was a single person in this dream named Shenegra. I feel slightly bad because apparently this girl who isn't Shenegra and I are pretty good friends, but forgo apologizing in favor of some wisecrack now forever lost to dreamland. Rest assured it was equal measures brilliant and crass. Anyway, getting to the point, the girl starts crying because I can't remember her name. I sure hope this is a prophetic dream.

Next scene: I'm walking with Diana and trying to tell her my hilarious story - yes, in the dream I've already recognized it for what it is - making a girl cry is worth an hour of SNL's Best Of. Diana isn't listening to me very well. She's looking for Natasha, because we're supposed to meet somewhere, and Natasha is late. Then there's an announcement over the intercom: "Natasha, you're overdue on the copy." This idiotic statement makes perfect sense to me, and Diana smiles with relief - apparently she asked them to say that. We head over to where we're supposed to meet. Rachel's there, she's still crying. "Oh yea!" I scream, and burst out giggling like the Pillsbury doughboy after a good poke in his zeppelin-like belly. "Her name's Rachel, now I remember!" Strange though, Rachel looks nothing like the girl I mislabeled minutes ago. Made perfect sense in the dream though. Oh, and at some point, that guy knew but didn't actually know turned into Bobby Gant from elementary school, someone that should have vacated his place in my memory long ago. Sorry Bobby...deleted.

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