Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Stay right where you are

Looks like Yuan Yuan's going to Korea again. She just got back two days ago from a luxury cruise tour there, where her responsibilities included holding onto her clients' passports and doing whatever the hell she wanted. Poor girl can't catch a break. This time she's flying, and it's a sight-seeing tour rather than a shopping tour (the 20 min sight-seeing / 2 hours shopping per site ratio is flipped). I don't see why people book tours at all, when they can just go by themselves or better yet, not at all. Which brings me to my second point. People should just stay where they are. What is the point of seeing places? The places would have to be pretty amazing to offset the annoyance of getting there, coming back, and dealing with housing and overeating issues (going somewhere else makes people think they should eat twice as much as usual). Until teleportation is invented, I'm going to sit tight and hang out in my room, which is already as amazing as a place can get.

I started A Mote in God's Eye today, while running errands. I feel like I'm being forced to get to know the characters before the interesting stuff starts happening. I don't like it. It better start cruising soon.

I finished The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman the other day. It was good, I felt completely immersed in the story. The characters were a tad stereotypical, but the world he created was quite magical. He used one of those cool literary devices that I like a lot in Strugatsky Brothers fiction, which they call "Refusal to Explain," where they don't even try to explain some of the bizarre things that happen. It's a bit of a wild card technique, but when used right it gives the reader this incredible itch that forces him/her to keep reading in hope of getting more clues to the mystery. All in all, quite an itchy book.

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